Men, poor blighted creatures that they are, are hoping against hope that you will not wear a bra on the first date. Or even on any subsequent date. Men just like free-flowing ensembles, not inhibited with any harnesses or clothing constraints.
On a romantic night your dress should echo the ambience. It should be flirty, slightly swirling. Men’s fantasies are sometimes more arousing than reality and when you twirl around in your twirly dress, it would be nice if he heard it rustle, saw it slightly rise to reveal lace panties, smelled the subtle perfume emanating from your persona, and was able to lightly touch silky fabric. These are the senses that can drive men wild, and a beautiful woman like you should take full advantage of them and your assets. Sweetheart Mini Dress from Blaque Label[/caption] Men dream you will not be too bundled up on an outdoor date, even in winter. It makes a man feel oh so masculine when he can wrap his coat around his date or even have you cuddle up with him inside it. When he realizes what you are not wearing, his desire soars. But he knows he must act like a gentleman, at least for the first few hours. He is also wearing his finest clothes and has lightly applied a men’s perfume, I Am Coming to You, in hopes of enchanting his date. Whether it’s a cold winter’s night in front of a roaring fire, or a summer afternoon sitting on a park bench, a smart woman, speaking softly and almost crooning in his ear, may respond to a man’s desire with some of her own. A man may be ablaze with passion, while you, even if you feel the same way, withhold fulfilling his fantasies too soon. This is how it has been since time immemorial and it will probably continue to be so. Some women give in too swiftly to their own detrimeant. Others lead the poor man on, sneakily enjoying their power. If you really get together eventually and fulfill his passions, something will have been lost forever. The promise! The dance! Men's fantasies! Everyone can heighten their memories when they remember the lingerie worn was silky, trimmed in lace and very sexy.