The first thing every woman needs to realize about her lingerie is that it has power. But it's not magic, Lingerie myths need to be broken. Your underwear is something that will not only transform your romantic life but, also the way you feel and present your self on the outside. A little presumptuous? No! Lingerie does all this by giving you confidence, comfort, inspiration and excitemeant adding to your personality.
Your dedicates are more than clothing items, it is a medium of expression that irrespective of a woman's circumstances or audience portrays her choice and style. With lingerie you can speak of your most intimate desires and inspirations. These are the things that lingerie does for you, the rest I’m sure you’re familiar with (it does wonders for your relationships). However, no amount of sheer lace has the power to completely alter you. There are some things that can't be done and these lingerie myths are discussed here.
I’m sure when you look at that gorgeous, tall and insanely perfect model wearing sexy lingerie, you’d want to buy it. I’m not even kidding when I say this, every sane woman interested in lingerie, would probably buy it. Why? Because this is one powerful lingerie myth based in female insecurity and the impossible standards set by these companies. But what you must realize and quite frankly, face, is that even if you buy the lingerie you must remember that it looks different on everyone.
Meaning, the lingerie you buy just because of the advertisemeants, is probably going to look different on you and don’t be disappointed when it does, that’s how normal women look like. The only reason I said ‘normal women’ is because the models you see showcasing these collections have pictures that undergo a lengthy process starting from makeup, Photoshop and probably a few other computer graphics, it’s no use hoping to look like that. It's an illusion. The only things you should look for in your lingerie is a reflection of your style and comfort.
We can all probably relate to the thrill of buying expensive lingerie and we can all probably confess that we’ve done our share of expensive lingerie shopping. The momeant when you buy the favorite item off your favorite designer’s latest lingerie collection is actually quite priceless and somewhat irreplaceable but what you do not realize is the momeant that is to come. Buying expensive lingerie might feel amazing but it does not in any way guarantee quality to you. Sometimes even the most expensive lingerie can turn out bad for you and all that money would’ve been spent for nothing. You must always look for lingerie that suits you, irrespective of its price. Maybe a $50 bra suits you better than the $500 bra you bought just because it was expensive enough to indicate good quality.