How to Impress an European Woman on a First Date

Going on a first date with someone can be intimidating, especially for men who want to give the right first impression. If that guy is going out with a European woman though, he might feel the pressure to be a little extra sophisticated and charming to show her he isn't like all the other Americans she's met. However, it's that very mindset that might lead to you sabotaging what you're trying so hard to make a positive experience.

See The Real Person

It's easy to get hung up on the details, and to miss the forest for the trees. Whether someone is dating Western European women, or he's trying to impress a girl from Spain or Portugal, it's important to look at her for who she is. Getting overly hung up on a woman's nationality is the same thing as creating a false impression of her based on her accent, skin tone, hair color, etc. The reason this is important is that you have to remember that everyone is a person, and every person has different things which impress them. One woman might find a man's sense of style and witty conversation absolutely riveting, while another might think he's vain. Paying for the bill and going to a nice restaurant might be gentlemanly to some, and show-offish to others. Don't try to impress a gender, or a nation, but rather focus on the woman you're actually asking out.

European lace bra and panties

European women love to be gifted with European lingerie!

Be Sensitive to Cultural Differences

European women come from a different culture than American women do. Depending on the nation, and how long she's been in America, there's sure to be at least a little overlap. However, it's always a good idea to know at least a little bit about the culture your date is coming from. More importantly, once you have that knowledge it's also a good idea to know how she feels about these issues. Just as there's no unified American culture, so too there's no universal European culture. This is true even within the individual nations. It depends on how your date was raised, and what she's been led to believe based on the media she's consumed, the friends she had, and the rules and restrictions she had growing up. If you want to impress her then you need to find out what she likes, what she admires, and mostly be the sort of man who communicates well.